Towards the end of 2015 and the first three months of 2016, Lesbos and other Greek islands were the main entry point for over 900,000 refugees who reached Europe at that time.
After the agreement between the European Union and Turkey in March 2016, the refugees who reached the Aegean Islands would be deported to Turkey and, consequently, the entrance point to Europe from there was closed.
Thus, existing routes that are longer and more dangerous in the Central Mediterranean were intensified. This journey is much longer, approximately 300 km to the island of Lampedusa and over 500 km to Sicily. Therefore, the number of deaths in this critical area is consistently growing.
Open Arms protects the lives of those abandoned in international waters fleeing from wars, persecution and poverty. On the mainland, we collaborate with healthcare and frontline research teams to face health emergencies or any other kind of crisis requiring immediate action.