
See Open Arms’ Rescues, which demonstrate the efforts to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in emergencies.

Every year, tens of thousands of men, women, and children risk their lives at sea attempting to reach the EU from the coasts of Turkey and Africa. 
Many perish or go missing in the Mediterranean and on the northwest African routes without a trace. Between January and June 2022, on average, five people died per day during their attempt to cross the Mediterranean Sea, according to the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), and more than 28,000 people have been recorded missing since 2014.
This is most likely an underestimate, as many cases go unreported or even completely unnoticed.

Open Arms is a non-profit non-governmental organisation with one principal mission: to protect those who try to reach Europe by sea and also to inform and educate on land so that those who migrate can make decisions with complete freedom and knowledge.

Their intention is to monitor and rescue vessels carrying people who need help in the Mediterranean channel, protect the lives of the most vulnerable in emergency situations on land, and build alternatives to irregular migration in countries such as Senegal, providing people with resources through community awareness and information. In parallel, they continue to denounce all the injustices nobody discusses.

On land, they are also equipped with an essential team: a group of psychologists who specialise in crisis situations, emergencies, and victims of terrorism. In addition, they support those who participate in missions before, during, and after them.